Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I don't know if anyone else is checking here, but if you are I wanted to give you an update.

In Sept of 2007 Anne and I got news that our adoption of Maria/Nancy was not going to go through. Because of irregularities with her paperwork, the courts in Guatemala were not going to allow her to be adopted by any international family.

The courts were able to find her an adoptive family in Guatemala. We were able to talk to her, and the foster family, the day before the foster family in Guatemala turned her over to her new adoptive family.

So if there's a silver lining in all this, it's that Nancy will grow up in a family, instead of end up in an orphanage, as we had one time feared. There's not a strong culture of adoption in Guatemala (think of the US in the 30s or 40s), and there's massive poverty there. So any family that would want to adopt someone would be both well off and really want to do this adoption.

We are both glad for the time we were able to spend with Nancy in Guatemala, and for the love and support that everyone who has been reading this has shown us.

Since our US adoption agency dropped the ball in such a massive way, we are now in discussions with them to obtain a refund of the money that we paid them. We will direct that towards adoption, this one most likely a domestic one.